Nine-Five Podcast

092: Making a Living Through Content Creation [Mindy Thomas]

Nick Nalbach Episode 92
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00:00 | 53:17

#0092 Top 3 Key Takeaways:

  1. Coming up with new and creative content ideas that make people fall in love with your brand.
  2. How to find your creative groove before creating.
  3. What is the creative process for a professional UGC (user-generated content) Creator and how to we use that to our advantage when creating content.

Content Creation isn't easy. How do you grab someone's attention when our attention spans are quickly depleting.

If you aren't grabbing attention in the first 3-seconds, as Mindy Thomas mentions in the episode, you might lose them.

Mindy Thomas is a professional content creator, creating UGC (User-Generated Content) for companies that want to use her creativity to their advantage. And today, she is going to be telling us all about her process.

To get the links and resources discussed in this episode, head over to the Episode 92 Show Notes.

Are you ready to start your own podcast? Book a Call with Nick to find out how we can develop a plan to your new show launched in just 4-weeks!

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